It's been awhile since I've blogged... About two months! We've had a lot going on. On March 30 I found out I am expecting agian. I am thrilled. Whats funny is that we are due just one day later than our daughters original due date, just two years later. Kaitlynn was due on December 8, 2009 and ended up being three and a half weeks early. The new baby is due December 9, 2011! The kids will be almost exactly two years apart!
My husband and I have a little bit of added stress when it comes to being pregnant. We are both carriers of cystic fibrosis and have a 25% chance of having a child with the genetic disorder. If you haven't done research on cystic fibrosis you should! Its a terrbile disease that is currently incurable. Needless to say after the testing, and the stress and the worry we are all clear! This baby is not even a carrier of the gene (Kaitlynn is a carrier although she does not have the disorder). Aside from finding out we are healthy, we also found out we are having a BOY! We are planning on more children so we aren't done but it is nice having one of each right away.
I am currently four months pregnant and am passed the morning sickness stage. I've just started to feel him move and can't wait for whats to come! We've started on the nursery and have the crib set up. The bedding is purchased and all we have to do is finish the decorating.
Here is a sneak peak at what are theme is for this little precious boy:
As you can see we are going with a vintage baseball theme. The bedding is a very crisp, clean navy that will be a great starting point for all the baseball accessories. We are going to keep a lot of the baseball stuff to a minimum while he is a baby and add to it as he gets older. We are thinking this theme will be able to grow with him and isn't too childish or corny. I am not a big fan of most boy nursery bedding.
I will post pictures as we get the nursery together.